TOP 7 AntiCancer Drinks
Top 7 AntiCancer Drinks |
Cancer is a serious disease that can affect anyone. As far as we know, cancer is caused by a variety of factors, from genes to lifestyle habits. Over time, technology and medicine have made many advances in the treatment of this disease, but it is still one of the leading causes of death in the world and everyone is concerned. In this article, we will provide a list of 7 antitumor drinks.
Many medical studies conducted in the world have identified the relationship between diet and prevention of this disease. As a result, it has been found that most foods containing antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C, D, and E, are good warriors fighting against cancer that can naturally and effectively protect the body.
In this article, we will tell you about 7 good natural anti-cancer drinks that you drink often.
Pineapple and ginger smoothie
Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, it helps to prevent cancer and reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The components of bromelain reduce and kill cancer cells and do not completely damage healthy cells.Ginger is known to reduce tumors much more effectively than many other pharmaceutical products that have cancer-fighting properties.
Put some pineapple, ginger and milk into a blender . As a result, you will get a smoothie fighting cancer.
Orange and raspberry juice
As mentioned earlier, antioxidants and vitamins play a very important role in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Fruits such as oranges and raspberries are excellent antioxidants that provide the perfect juice to fight against this disease._Recipe
Mix orange juice and raspberry and drink as fast as possible.
Apple and carrot smoothie
Carrots have an activating property for body defense, which is a great help in the treatment of diseases such as cancer. This vegetable contains an element called an effective cancer combatant.Apple and carrot smoothie |
On the other hand, apples and their shells contain large amounts of vitamins and antioxidants that are very good at preventing the disease. So combining these two foods is great for making excellent anti-cancer drinks.
Put some milk in a blender , add apples and some carrots and mix. Drink this smoothie as soon as it is finished.
Banana and mango smoothie
Banana and mango smoothie |
Put the two fruits in a blender, add a little water, and add some sweetness with a little honey.
Blackberry smoothie
Mix 2 cups of frech blackberries with a full cup of milk and 1/4 cup of honey.
Ginger tea
Ginger tea |
Ginger is a great companion to preventing and treating cancer and is effective in reducing tumors without any adverse health effects.
Thinly cut ginger and mix with lemon juice.
When a cup of water is heated and boiled, add the above ingredients.
Although brine intake can cause adverse health effects such as dehydration and other changes in the body, many of the salty features combat high levels of cancer and restore unbelievable physical health._Recipe
You should never drink pure salt water because it can affect your body. It should be mixed with a ratio of 1 brine and a ratio of 5 pure water.
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